Ontology-based Model Transformation using Prolog

Jesus Almendros  (1)
Luis Iribarne  (2)

(1)  Information System Group

(2)  Applied Computing Group

University of Almeria
04120 Almeria

In this paper we present a framework for the speci cation of model transformations by means Prolog rules, using the representation of UML models by means of an ontology. Our approach will be applied to a well-known example of model transformation in which a UML class diagram representing a database (as an entity-relationship diagram) is transformed into a UML diagram representing a relational database. We have validated our proposal by means of a prototype developed under SWI-Prolog.


1. Models

    1.1. Model A
    1.2. Model B
    1.3. Metamodel A
    1.4. Metamodel B
    1.5. Object model A
    1.6. Object model B

2. Prolog material

3. Instructions

1. Models

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2. Prolog material

Model Transformation in Prolog
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3. Intructions

In order to test our prototype you should download and install SWI-Prolog from www.swi-prolog.org.

After, you should load the prototype by:

?- [transformation].

Now, you can transform the model A into the model B:

?-  transform('modelA.owl', 'modelB.owl').

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(c) Jesus Almendros and Luis Iribarne
University of Almeria, 2010
Almeria, Spain